Collischan TC 8210 Tablet Counter TC 8210

Collischan TC 8210 Tablet Counter TC 8210

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Location:Oxford, United Kingdom


The Collischan TC 8210 Tablet Counter is designed to electronically count products, into predetermined quantities, controlled via industrial PLC and operator HMI .

Containers are fed via a single lane conveyor with starwheel feed system, each container is tare and gross weighed before and after filling. The actual content is accurately measured and weight deviations of the containers are eliminated.  Weighing range 300g 

Product is fed from a bulk stainless steel hopper and vibrated down two twin track channels, each row of tablets is counted electronically by individual sensors. Year of manufacture 2007. 


ManufacturerCollischan TC 8210 Tablet Counter
ModelTC 8210